Adopt a Memory
Your choice to adopt the memory of a child lost to this senseless lack of respect for humanity is so very doable. Your personal choices can be:
- lighting a candle and saying a prayer while speaking the child’s name out loud;
- going to a synagogue to say the mourner’s kaddish or saying a personal prayer in memory;
- doing an act of charity or kindness in honor of your child’s memory; or
- any other way you and your family decide to bring light to the darkness.
Click below to request to adopt the memory of a child murdered in the Shoah (Holocaust).
All we ask is that you honor your adopted child’s memory on the yahrtzeit (the anniversary) of their death each year. Please add your adopted memory’s name to the yearly yahrtzeit list that your synagogue sends you.
Since the Hebrew calendar date changes yearly to the Gregorian calendar we encourage you to look at or call a synagogue.
* If circumstances prevent you from being able to complete this blessing, please consider having your family member continue this tradition.
* If that is not possible, please contact us and arrangements will be made for someone else to adopt your child.

Bill Weissman, Shammes, Lay Clergy, Congregation Shaarey Zedek in Winnipeg provides a demonstration of the reading of a name from One More Candle.